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Community instances

NeoDB is not a single website. To use it, you need to sign up on an instance, that lets you connect with other people using NeoDB across Fediverse and Bluesky.

  • flagship zh en
    Flagship instance, managed by NeoDB developers.
  • NeoDB experimental beta en
    Instance running development version of NeoDB software, which may have newer features and occationally bugs, managed by NeoDB developers.
  • ReviewDB en
  • Minreol da
  • CasDB en
  • KevGa-NeoDB de

JSON version of this list is also available here. If you are hosting a public instance of NeoDB and wish to share that with the community, please edit this file and submit a pull request.

To host your own instance of NeoDB, see installation guide.

Public relay hosted by NeoDB developers

  • - NeoDB instances may connect to this relay to send and receive public posts, this is to help share items, ratings and reviews in the network, more on this in configuration doc.

Honorable mention

  • NiceDB - the original instance, no longer open for registration.